
Game Business and Esports Bachelor of Science

Game publishers, esports teams, venues, agencies, and organizations in the gaming industry rely on business-minded individuals to support the operation and expansion of their product, service, or team. Business professionals in gaming and esports are...

Sportscasting Bachelor of Science

The Sportscasting curriculum presents how new communication technologies are altering the way audiences consume content. By promoting responsiveness and distinction as a sportscaster, this degree equips you to grow within this arena and connect with...

Public Relations Master of Arts

Throughout the Public Relations master of arts degree program, students will examine how new social tools and communication channels have changed the idea of what it means to be a public relations professional. Students will learn how to leverage...

PBR697: Public Relations Presentation and Portfolio

In the Public Relations Presentation and Portfolio course, students will complete a case-study project and presentation. This project will showcase a comprehensive public relations strategy that demonstrates mastery of key concepts and knowledge...


Various students sitting in and walking through a large hallway on Full Sail's campus.


People from around the world come to Full Sail to pursue their educational goals, and they share one thing in common – a passion for creative careers in the entertainment and media industry.


Educational Philosophy

Male blurred with the word DREAM lit up on the wall behind him.


1. Empower students through an active relationship with the entertainment, technology, and media industries

Full Sail is dedicated to serving the needs and careers of students and graduates by...


Nightime scene of Full Sail's campus, including a stage and fireworks, with many student and staff onlookers.


Since Full Sail’s inception in 1979, over 70,000 graduates have prepared for careers in the entertainment and media industry. The following features some of the highlights of Full...

Full Sail Studios

Ariel photograph of the Live Venue and Full Sail Studios archway, with students gathering.


The custom-built, 2.2-acre Full Sail Studios includes the multipurpose Full Sail Live venue, a flagship recording studio, a complete game production studio, and an outdoor plaza courtyard.


The Backlot

A film set on the backlot at Full Sail University with film crew, lights, cameras, director chair, and tent.


Full Sail’s professional Hollywood-style Backlot is comprised of multiple outdoor locations designed to expand students’ storytelling capabilities, giving them flexibility and creative range for...

Audio Temple

Woman and man sitting behind console in studio with a band behind glass.


With multiple live rooms, a mic closet, and a control room featuring an array of professional audio equipment, this flagship recording studio serves as a full-featured audio recording environment...