
DEV2501: Interface Programming

Interface Programming combines the programming concepts learned in previous courses to integrate design with development. Students will learn what is involved in creating interactive applications using standards-based tool sets and rapid development...

COP1050: Programming for Interactive Technology I

The Programming for Interactive Technology I course covers fundamental programming and visual scripting principles essential to interactive design. The course introduces topics such as strings, loops, arrays, algorithms, and problem-solving. Students...

GDM603: Advanced Production Techniques

Building on knowledge and skills gained in earlier production courses, the Advanced Production Techniques course highlights the research and practice of production techniques and methodologies—both traditional and contemporary—focusing on those...

FPR620: Film Production Thesis II: Production

The Film Production Thesis II: Production Course allows students to further develop their final film project. This course represents the production phase of the student's film project. In this course, students will apply the skills and knowledge...

MAN630: Executive Leadership

This course examines the qualities necessary to be an executive leader in today's entertainment business field. Various industries are examined to ensure an understanding of a given industry's leadership styles and traits. Students explore effective...

MDM691: Professional Practice

Today's Media Designer works in a highly competitive field. To achieve success, designers must articulate and manage processes, understand legal and ethical issues on a global scale, and be able to present themselves and their capabilities at the...

Termination Policy and Borrower’s Agreement

A student may terminate their enrollment agreement by giving notice to a Student Advocacy team member at Full Sail University. Withdrawals are subject to the Institutional Refund Policy section of...

GEB612: Business Plan Development

The Business Plan Development Course requires students to incorporate the business skills students have developed over their course of study into research for their own business plan. In this course, students draw on their business, management, and...

GBE1001: Introduction to the Gaming Industry

The Introduction to the Gaming Industry course examines the evolution of the game industry from the 1950s on, spanning early platforms and ‘90s console wars to the advent of competitions and leagues, 3-D gaming, and virtual reality. Students will...

FPR631: Story Development for Film

The Story Development for Film course prepares students for work within the development stage of production. Students will elevate their grasp of visual storytelling by studying how various elements of imagery and sound expand and enrich the...