
SCS2501: Broadcast Writing

The Broadcast Writing course introduces the writing and reporting skills essential to sports journalism, broadcasting, and broadcast storytelling. Students will learn how news is gathered, evaluated, and distributed. They will also further explore...

DMK512: Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies

The Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies Course addresses all of the marketing strategies that are particular to this extremely competitive digital arena. The goal of this course is to identify the many components of digital marketing and to examine...

GDN3251: Game Mechanics I

In the Game Mechanics I course, students will separate complex game projects into modular parts in order to identify the designer’s intent as well as the features that enable the generation of play dynamics and play aesthetics. Students will also...

NMJ650: Public Relations and Reputation Management

The Public Relations and Reputation Management Course addresses the ethical responsibilities of multimedia journalists as they apply to story development, audience reaction, story evolution, and personal and organizational message control. Students...

CAP450: Security in Artificial Intelligence

The Security in Artificial Intelligence course examines the principles of information and software development security, AI-based tools used to identify and respond to threats, and endeavors developed to work against AI algorithms. This course...

ADF155: Project I: Application Development Fundamentals

The Project I: Application Development Fundamentals course combines hands-on learning experiences with summative and formative portfolio assessments. This course explores the various production workflows, programming methodologies, and logical...

BIN520: Foundations of Business Intelligence

The Foundations of Business Intelligence Course introduces students to the core concepts, processes, and tools of Business Intelligence. Lessons will introduce business process analysis (BPA) and cover the core business processes that business...

CAP4053: Artificial Intelligence

In the Artificial Intelligence course, students will learn techniques for designing and creating lifelike and intelligent behaviors in characters. These techniques will be used in games and simulations to provide realism and computer opponents that...

CTI4751: Software-Driven Data Centers

In the Software-Driven Data Centers course, students will finish building a network system. Students will create and measure the performance of virtualized data to complete a software-driven data center, providing insight on the critical issues...

CWM550: Script Analysis and Criticism

In the Script Analysis and Criticism Course, students will learn to recognize elements that create powerful narratives and how they can be best integrated in various multimedia formats. Students will analyze films, TV, animation, and games for...