
GBE2001: Gaming Culture and Engagement

The Gaming Culture and Engagement course investigates how consumers have historically interacted across varying titles and mediums. Students will identify how gaming’s evolution has built segmentation into the market, following expansions in console...

GBE119: Project and Portfolio I: Game Business and Esports

In the Project and Portfolio I: Game Business and Esports course, students will create audio and visual media to be used to connect consumers with a particular brand in a gaming community. Students will then define the business objectives for their...

GBE2501: Game Business Models

The Game Business Models course explores the economics that influence decision makers in the gaming industry. Students will examine the various ways that gaming and esports organizations operate, develop, and nurture revenue streams. They will...

GBE229: Project and Portfolio II: Game Business and Esports

The Project and Portfolio II: Game Business and Esports course builds students’ grasp of the distinct business models for game publishing and those for events. They will explore each arena’s business objectives, revenue streams, development, and...

GBE3201: Gaming Community and Social Media

The Gaming Community and Social Media course builds upon the knowledge gained in the Gaming Culture and Engagement course to foster a closer observation of the functions and communication methods of gaming communities. Students will distinguish what...

GBE339: Project and Portfolio III: Game Business and Esports

In the Project and Portfolio III: Game Business and Esports course, students will integrate their previous course work and research findings toward developing a social media campaign to connect a brand within a gaming community. They will define and...

GBE4301: Strategic Game Marketing

The Strategic Game Marketing course explores the process and business of taking a product to market. Students will examine the key steps and approaches involved in launching a new game or product, including publishing, marketing, distribution, and...

GBE4601: Global Gaming Business and Esports

Students in the Global Gaming Business and Esports course will navigate the complexity and diversity of business practices across the international gaming industry. This course explores the variances amid consumers, marketing strategies, and legal...

GBE359: Project and Portfolio V: Game Business and Esports

In the Project and Portfolio V: Game Business and Esports course, students will explore the realm of partnerships and licensing in the gaming industry. With their foundation developed in the Sports Sales and Sponsorship course, students will examine...

GBE4901: Esports and Gaming Management

Students in the Esports and Gaming Management course will explore the tenets of performance management, team management, and leadership in an esports and gaming environment. The course examines various types of team structures, management strategies...