
UXP3801: UX/UI for Gaming Platforms

User experience and user interface designers work hand in hand to craft engaging, user-friendly interfaces for video games across release platforms. In UX/UI for Gaming Platforms, students will analyze the usability and visual design of game products...

UXP349: Project and Portfolio IV: User Experience

The Project and Portfolio IV: User Experience course will require students to complete an exploratory, game-specific case study on an existing product. Students will examine their chosen product and devise research questions, hypotheses, and data...

UXP4111: UX Design for Platform Standards

In the UX Design for Platform Standards course, students will analyze the usability and visual design of a variety of interactive media products. They will explore mobile applications as well as web-based products and services. After surveying a...

UXP4401: UX Research Analytics

Building upon the research aspects of previous courses, UX Research Analytics students will explore the visualization of collected data. In evaluating this data, they will use the information they glean to make data-driven design recommendations. In...

UXP359: Project and Portfolio V: User Experience

In the Project and Portfolio V: User Experience course, students will learn how UX fundamentals can be applied to support a positive cause. Students will pick a topic to explore—such as poverty, climate change, access to health and education—and...

UXP4901: UX Production

In the UX Production course, students will apply knowledge and abilities gained in previous courses to design and prototype user experiences across a variety of given contexts. The course content steers students through a structured problem-solving...

UXP469: Project and Portfolio VI: User Experience

The Project and Portfolio VI: User Experience course combines hands-on learning experiences with summative and formative portfolio assessments. In this course, students will conduct testing on a previous prototype for important design constructs...

GBE1001: Introduction to the Gaming Industry

The Introduction to the Gaming Industry course examines the evolution of the game industry from the 1950s on, spanning early platforms and ‘90s console wars to the advent of competitions and leagues, 3-D gaming, and virtual reality. Students will...

GBE1021: Introduction to Esports Production

The Introduction to Esports Production course acquaints students with the multiple facets involved with producing an esports event. Students will learn how to evaluate venue accommodations, assess team requirements, and consider the audience and...

VID1555: Video-Sharing Platforms

The Video-Sharing Platforms course examines the various video players and hosting platforms that are used throughout many communities on the Internet. The significance of having a media presence has increased the need for professionals in...