Full Sail’s Dubbing Stage is Dolby® certified, and is a fully functional, professionally designed post- production facility where student interns work with instructors to learn the intricacies of...
The History of Motion Picture Arts course explores the motion picture as an art form, a business, and a representation of society. Students will examine how film has become a dominant force in American culture through study of the birth of film, the...
In the Structure of Music course, students will explore the ways music is organized—both by linear form and by instrumentation—while expanding their musical vocabulary. This course explores terms used to describe musical form as well as common...
The Engine Development course focuses on rendering and animation in a game engine. Students will explore and implement an optimized rendering system. The course also covers advanced rendering topics, including postprocessing, shadows, and normal...
The Episodic and Serial Writing Course will teach students the elements of structure, character, and formatting specific to episodic and serial stories for television, comics and the web. Students will gain experience developing original episodic and...
The Television Writing course provides a challenging opportunity for students to adapt principles and concepts gleaned from previous writing courses to develop proficiency with the creative process used by professional television writers. Students...
The Cyber Crime and Incident Response course investigates serious topics in cyber crime as well as the legal protocol involved. Students will survey the protection of information from unauthorized disclosure and methods of responding to adverse...
The Sequencing Technology course explores the use of MIDI-based hardware and software in music production, live performance, and studio control. Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is the electronic marriage of music and computer technology...
In the Broadcast for Advanced Technology II course, students will create broadcast opportunities for new and progressive technologies and will examine the audience-engagement possibilities of these advanced communication structures. Students will...
The New Media Publishing and Distribution Course examines the broad economic issues facing the field of journalism in the digital age: global competition, multiple distribution platforms, evolving technology and consumer behaviors, and fractionalized...