
Game Design Associate of Applied Science

The Game Design curriculum is comprised of high-level game design and production courses that will take you deep into the game development pipeline. You will develop and expand your project and design skills through hands-on exercises in leadership...

Game Design Associate of Applied Science

The Game Design curriculum is comprised of high-level game design and production courses that will take you deep into the game development pipeline. You will develop and expand your project and design skills through hands-on exercises in leadership...

Digital Arts and Design Bachelor of Science

The Digital Arts & Design curriculum is specifically designed to pair art and technology to inspire and help you create groundbreaking designs for motion graphics. Throughout the curriculum, you will explore the entire design process—from concept to...

Computer Science Associate of Science

The Computer Science curriculum familiarizes you with the complex and ever-changing world of today’s software developers and software engineers. The goal of this curriculum is to educate you on the design, development, and implementation of software...

Music Business Associate of Applied Science

To maximize an artist’s potential, every job in the music industry needs to work in harmony. By applying a real-world approach and utilizing authentic scenarios, the Music Business curriculum prepares students to become music business professionals...

Music Business Associate of Applied Science

To maximize an artist’s potential, every job in the music industry needs to work in harmony. By applying a real-world approach and utilizing authentic scenarios, the Music Business curriculum prepares students to become music business professionals...

Licenses & Accreditation

A daylight photograph of Full Sail Studios archway and the campus behind it.


Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education (CIE)

Full Sail University is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education (CIE), Florida Department of Education...

General Information

Five students walking underneath the Full Sail Studios archway at the front of campus.


Fees / Deposits

A $75 registration fee is payable upon registration.

The registration fee is not covered by financial aid.

The registration fee is included in the tuition prices listed.
