
CGA103: Fundamentals of Art II

The Fundamentals of Art II course builds on the skills and knowledge developed in Fundamentals of Art I and prepares students for subject matter essential to artists in the 3-D arts industry. This class includes discussions, peer critiques, mentoring...

3DA156: Portfolio I: 3-D Arts

The Portfolio I: 3-D Arts course allows students to showcase an art asset based on the production knowledge and experience gained in their Project I: 3-D Arts course. Students will create and refine a modeling asset working within the proper...

AUD2001: Principles of Music

The Principles of Music course explores harmony, melody, rhythm, and form with an introduction to the musical keyboard and ear training. Relevant musical structures will be examined and discussed in the context of popular music using common industry...

REC3414: Audio Workstations

The Audio Workstations course explores the digital audio workstation environment through an overview of digital audio concepts and practices. Students will receive instruction and practical experience with powerful computer-based recording systems...

AUD155: Project I: Audio Arts

In Project I: Audio Arts, students will apply their knowledge of audio recording, MIDI sequencing, digital audio workstations, and musical concepts to construct cohesive musical content. Through this course, students will demonstrate the ability to...

AUD156: Portfolio I: Audio Arts

In Portfolio I: Audio Arts, students will revise and refine the work they completed in Project I to create portfolio-ready examples of their musical content. They will create a portfolio to showcase their assets as well as reflect on the creative...

AEM1001: Audio Arts in the Entertainment and Media Industries

The Audio Arts in the Entertainment and Media Industries course examines the various and interrelated sectors of the industry, enabling students to develop a view of it from the perspective of a professional. Students will explore terms common across...

AUD1923: Recording Principles

The Recording Principles course introduces students to the theory and operation of essential audio tools ranging from microphones to mixers. Primary topics include audio basics, signal flow, basic microphone techniques, gain staging, audio processors...

REC1732: Sequencing Technology

The Sequencing Technology course explores the use of MIDI-based hardware and software in music production, live performance, and studio control. Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is the electronic marriage of music and computer technology...

DEV1000: Introduction to Development I

In the Introduction to Development I course, students will develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills by surveying modern data-flow and control-flow techniques and their usage in application development. Through learning the concepts of...