
COD3412: Digital Logic

The Digital Logic course presents an overview of logic design and symbolic logic to support the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture. Students will apply knowledge of binary systems and Boolean logic to engineer the fundamental...

GDD291: Operating Systems

In the Operating Systems course, students will learn the functions of modern operating systems and how they impact the code they create. Students will also learn how to construct multithreaded applications that are critical for utilizing modern...

DEP1013: Psychology of Play

In the Psychology of Play course, students will explore how the field of psychology values the concept of play as a mechanism that allows a person to apply game strategies to accomplish life goals. Students will examine how the action of play shapes...

SDV4733: Software Test and Quality Assurance

The Software Test and Quality Assurance course explores software-project integration and testing and teaches students how to define and assess software quality. Students will analyze how a developed system conforms to specific requirements by...

GEN3322: Probability

The Probability course explores probability theory and statistical methods, particularly through engineering and programming applications. Students will understand and discuss the rules of probability and will be able to solve problems using...

SIM3032: Data Visualization and Modeling

The Data Visualization and Modeling course covers techniques that allow developers to integrate large data sets from disparate sources and create visualizations of sample data. Data collection is a key part of simulation, but accurate use of that...

HIS3320: Historical Archetypes and Mythology

The Historical Archetypes and Mythology course introduces students to the connections between history, mythology, and iconic archetypes and the influence these relationships have had on classical and contemporary cultures of the world. Color...

TEM1001: Technology in the Entertainment and Media Industries

The Technology in the Entertainment and Media Industries course examines the impact of technology and technological innovations across various industries. Students will explore a variety of interactive forms, media types, programming languages, and...

MAD1100: Discrete Mathematics

The Discrete Mathematics course provides an introduction to basic concepts of mathematics and mathematical reasoning. Students will explore propositional and symbolic logic, sets and relations, sequences, functions, algorithms, matrices, number...

COP1000: Programming I

The Programming I course covers fundamental computer science and programming topics such as algorithms, software problem solving, input/output, control flow, functions, object-oriented programming, and references. Students will learn how to program...