
GDN155: Project I: Game Design

In Project I: Game Design, students will construct a small native software program using code. Through this process, students will learn the basics of procedural logic in a scripting language, linear thinking, and data-driven behavior. By the end of...

NMJ650: Public Relations and Reputation Management

The Public Relations and Reputation Management Course addresses the ethical responsibilities of multimedia journalists as they apply to story development, audience reaction, story evolution, and personal and organizational message control. Students...

CAP450: Security in Artificial Intelligence

The Security in Artificial Intelligence course examines the principles of information and software development security, AI-based tools used to identify and respond to threats, and endeavors developed to work against AI algorithms. This course...

DIG3395: Motion Capture

The Motion Capture course teaches students techniques to digitize motion, edit sequences, and develop an understanding of simulated motion. Students will explore motion-capture setup, shooting, data tracking, skeleton retargeting, and animation...

SMM4561: Sports Sales and Sponsorship

The Sports Sales and Sponsorship course provides students with an overview of current factors and issues related to sports sponsorship, including planning, sales and negotiations, proposals, and evaluations. Students will explore sports organizations...

HUM3505: Popular Culture in Media

The Popular Culture in Media course examines the role and importance of popular culture, providing a rich background for students to appreciate the historical and social impact of popular culture. Students will be introduced to media milestones in...

MDV357: Project and Portfolio V: Mobile Development

The Project and Portfolio V: Mobile Development course combines hands-on learning experiences with summative and formative portfolio assessments. This course enables students to synthesize their Android development and design skills to plan, develop...

3DA155: Project I: 3-D Arts

The Project I: 3-D Arts course combines hands-on learning experiences with summative and formative portfolio assessments. In this course, students will apply their artistic skills and technical knowledge to create a replica of hard-surface models...

COP1050: Programming for Interactive Technology I

The Programming for Interactive Technology I course covers fundamental programming and visual scripting principles essential to interactive design. The course introduces topics such as strings, loops, arrays, algorithms, and problem-solving. Students...

COS570: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

The Advanced Artificial Intelligence course presents a variety of techniques used for devising and leveraging algorithms and approaches to create intelligent agents to achieve specified goals. Students will implement these strategies to create...