
GDD245: 3-D Content Creation

The 3-D Content Creation course explores techniques used in the professional game industry to create and render content for real-time 3-D games. Topics covered include geometry, lighting, shading, texturing, the rendering pipeline, the content...

IEN560: Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs

Students in the Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs Course will examine legal challenges entrepreneurs face as they launch their business ventures. Students will learn how the location of their venture will affect many business decisions, as the laws of...

COD3511: Computer Organization and Architecture

The Computer Organization and Architecture course explores computing hardware components, organization, and architecture. In addition to exploring the relationship between high-level programming languages and the hardware they compile and run on...

FIL155: Project I: Film and Video

In Project I: Film and Video, students will combine the fundamentals of digital video and film production for a variety of media platforms in a hands-on learning environment. In this course, students will apply their knowledge of story development...

AUD3425: Sound Design for Games

The Sound Design for Games course provides students with the fundamental tools and techniques required to create and implement sound for video games. Among the topics covered are nonlinear and event-based audio triggering, digital audio processing...

CTI1105: Computer Operating Systems

The Computer Operating Systems course explores the concepts of operating systems and how they interface with hardware and application software. Principles of kernels, processes, device drivers, file systems, and user permissions are examined...

APR3571: Structure of Music

In the Structure of Music course, students will explore the ways music is organized—both by linear form and by instrumentation—while expanding their musical vocabulary. This course explores terms used to describe musical form as well as common...

MAN3152: Leadership and Organizational Behavior

The Leadership and Organizational Behavior course consists of an inquiry into the leadership characteristics that inspire others to take action. Students will learn how leadership and organizational structures affect human behavior within...

COS540: Research Approaches in Computer Science

The Research Approaches in Computer Science course equips students with developed research skills to inform their work within the realm of computer science. The curriculum provides students with best practices and techniques for framing problems...