
MPR3701: Music Production for Media

Students in the Music Production for Media course will create music to fit within typical modern broadcast branding and advertising. Students will explore music in branding and marketing as they learn to discern the elements that constitute standards...

DGT372: Interactive Media Design and Usability

The Interactive Media Design and Usability course introduces students to the tools and concepts of user-interface (UI) design combined with a method of project development that utilizes an industry-proven production process. The course explores both...

IEN670: Innovative Work Environments

Students in the Innovative Work Environments Course will establish a work environment that supports constant innovation, by communicating the entrepreneurial vision, developing collaborative teams, and creating a culture of creativity and innovation...

ITE479: Project and Portfolio VII: Information Technology

The Project and Portfolio VII: Information Technology course combines hands-on learning experiences with summative and formative portfolio assessments. In this course, students will extend their existing project by applying their knowledge of...

Audio Temple

Woman and man sitting behind console in studio with a band behind glass.


With multiple live rooms, a mic closet, and a control room featuring an array of professional audio equipment, this flagship recording studio serves as a full-featured audio recording environment...

SDV4733: Software Test and Quality Assurance

The Software Test and Quality Assurance course explores software-project integration and testing and teaches students how to define and assess software quality. Students will analyze how a developed system conforms to specific requirements by...

REC4735: Advanced Session Recording

The Advanced Session Recording course provides extensive education in the theory, philosophy, and practice of contemporary music production in world-class studio facilities. Emphasis is placed on how to conduct a music session and work with a band in...

DMK672: Digital Marketing and the Law

The Digital Marketing and the Law Course addresses emerging topics relating to the legal aspects of digital marketing. Topics covered include intellectual property, copyright, domain names, trademark issues, and the First Amendment. From a marketing...

CTI2701: Configuration Management Programming

The Configuration Management Programming course introduces concepts of configuration management software, web protocol standards, and API access. Students will employ programming principles using configuration management software in order to manage...

The Fortress

The Fortress screens with Full Sail University Orlando Health Fortress arena branding on it.


The Full Sail University Orlando Health Fortress is the home of Full Sail’s collegiate esports team, Armada, and serves as its premiere esports arena. Designed to provide the best esports experience...