
Instructional Design and Technology Graduate Certificate

Full Sail University’s Instructional Design & Technology Graduate Certificate will give you specific knowledge that can help you excel in competitive job fields. The certificate is comprised of several courses taken from our Instructional Design &...

Intensive English Program - Level 3 Certificate

Full Sail University’s Intensive English courses of study focus on the language skills tested in university-recognized language proficiency exams. They also introduce students to the entertainment and media industry. Students do not need to be...

Dubbing Stage

Four men behind console in dubbing stage watching film on big screen.


Full Sail’s Dubbing Stage is Dolby® certified, and is a fully functional, professionally designed post- production facility where student interns work with instructors to learn the intricacies of...

Intensive English Program - Level 3 Certificate

Full Sail University’s Intensive English courses of study focus on the language skills tested in university-recognized language proficiency exams. They also introduce students to the entertainment and media industry. Students do not need to be...

Institutional Refund Policy


Full Sail University’s Institutional Refund Policy has been established in accordance with current state and federal regulations and applicable accrediting standards. A refund to the student...

Student Services

A female employee leaning over while talking to a male who is sitting on an ottoman in a room with light and dark grey striped flooring and the word DREAM projected on the wall.


Online Support

Full Sail Support Specialists can assist with resolving technical issues associated with the functionality of the online platform.

You can reach Online Support by phone at 877-437...

MDM525: Defining Client Needs

Successful media designers understand their clients' industries and can implement design strategies that can elevate their brand in a competitive marketplace. In the Defining Client Needs Course, students explore the designer-client relationship and...


Various students sitting in and walking through a large hallway on Full Sail's campus.


People from around the world come to Full Sail to pursue their educational goals, and they share one thing in common – a passion for creative careers in the entertainment and media industry.
