
HUM3505: Popular Culture in Media

The Popular Culture in Media course examines the role and importance of popular culture, providing a rich background for students to appreciate the historical and social impact of popular culture. Students will be introduced to media milestones in...

STA3001: Statistics

The Statistics course explores data visualization, descriptive statistics, and probability. Students will perform exploratory data analysis and summarize data for a broad audience by generating informative graphics and computing measures of central...

RARC311: Professional Development Seminar I: Audio Arts

In Professional Development Seminar I: Audio Arts, students will build upon the Audio Arts in the Entertainment and Media Industries course to gain an understanding of career opportunities, topics of study, and current issues in the audio industry...

RARC322: Professional Development Seminar II: Recording Arts

In Professional Development Seminar II: Recording Arts, students will continue an in-depth exploration of the recording arts industry. With this newly acquired industry knowledge, students will create a career strategy map of their own. Students will...

REC3133: Principles of Electronics

The Principles of Electronics course teaches the tenets of electricity as it relates to the professional needs of the entertainment industry. With an emphasis placed on safety procedures, students will gain knowledge of electrical systems as they...

MPRC311: Professional Development Seminar I: Music Production

In Professional Development Seminar I: Music Production, students will build upon prior course work to gain an understanding of career opportunities, topics of study, and current issues in the music production industry. In addition to exploring the...

MPRC322: Professional Development Seminar II: Music Production

In Professional Development Seminar II: Music Production, students will continue an in-depth exploration of the music production industry and will evaluate additional career opportunities. Students will also explore current trends in popular music...

MPR3111: Professional Development Seminar I: Music Production

In Professional Development Seminar I: Music Production, students will build upon prior course work to gain an understanding of career opportunities, topics of study, and current issues in the music production industry. In addition to exploring the...

MPR3222: Professional Development Seminar II: Music Production

In Professional Development Seminar II: Music Production, students will continue an in-depth exploration of the music production industry and will evaluate additional career opportunities. Students will also explore current trends in popular music...

SPRC322: Professional Development Seminar II: Show Production

In Professional Development Seminar II: Show Production, students will continue an in-depth exploration of the show production industry. With this newly acquired industry knowledge, students will create a career strategy map of their own. Students...