Students wishing to re-enter school must contact their Academic Advisor. Re-entry will depend on the academic progress made by the student in their previous enrollment at the university. A student who was dismissed or administratively withdrawn by the university may not be eligible for re-entry, depending on the severity of the situation surrounding the withdrawal. To re-enter, a Change of Enrollment (COE) will be initiated by the Academic Advisor and/or COE Assessment Team Member and the student must be cleared by all departments before a schedule to return to classes is generated. Re-entry requests must be initiated by the student. Family members may not request a Change of Enrollment (COE) on the student’s behalf. Any balance of tuition must be paid prior to re-entry.

If withdrawn for more than one year, reentering students will be charged the currently applicable tuition price and will be responsible for any increased amounts. Students may receive credit only for the common classes that were passed prior to their withdrawal.

Typically, the re-entry process may require students to make appointments with several different departments; therefore, no less than a 30-day notice is required for a standard re-entry. If a student withdraws with plans to immediately re-enter (for example, due to an IOT for more than 90 days), 60 days notice prior to the intended start/enrollment date is required.