Extended Studies Internship Program

Degree Type

Total Weeks: 6 - 24

Total Credit Hours

This program is offered as a free, optional service to qualified students and is available to any Full Sail University graduate in good standing. Upon successful completion of the Extended Studies Internship program, a certificate of completion is issued. This optional, no-cost internship opportunity represents Full Sail’s effort to continue the expansion of educational services to our students and the industry.


The Extended Studies Internship Program is designed to give students an opportunity to apply what they learned during a comprehensive, hands-on working experience in a real-world environment. Participants will gain a solid understanding of their chosen field.

Please Note

  • Students must graduate from a Full Sail University degree program before applying for an Internship. Consideration will be granted to Active Students who have successfully completed 50% of their degree program and are in Good Standing (both academically and financially) with the University. A certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the Extended Studies Internship Program.